domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011

My Favorite Gaita!!

El Barrio de mis Andazas - Los Colosales

- estribillo -
El barrio de mis andanzas
Donde viví a plenitud
Donde transcurrió mi infancia
Mi niñez, mi juventud
Con inquietud
Y embriagado de añoranza
Regreso con la esperanza
De pasar mi sedentud

- verso I -
Vuelvo a la vieja casa en la callejuela
Donde feliz pasé mis primeros días
En la entrada hay un santo con una vela
Mi guitarra y mi cuatro están todavía
En el cuarto la hamaca y los carricochos
Y una carta de amor en viejo papel
Hay uno cuantos discos setenta y ocho
De viejos tangos que cantó Carlos Gardel

- verso II -
Caminando tropiezo con los recuerdos
Y lo añejo me invade con su fragancia
Hay uno que otro amigo de aquella infancia
Y quien fue mi maestro viejo y enfermo
Aquellos parroquianos y personajes
Los de la idiosincracia del buen zuliano
Los que hacían más ameno lo cotidiano
Hoy han cumplido su misión y están de viaje

- verso III -
Esa chiquilla inquieta que fue mi amor
La que grabó en un árbol que me adoraba
La conseguí en el barrio y de la emoción
Una perla de llanto rodó en su cara
Nos abrazamos fuerte con furia loca
Y juntos recordamos los amoríos
Recorrió por mi cuerpo un escalofrío
Pues nuevamente probé la miel de su boca

I am wearing black shirt, black hat, jean gray, black belt and black shoes


Kitchen: the kitchen has a stove, dishwasher, microwave, table, a curtain, and other details.
living rooms: a television, a carpet, a sofa.
garden, some flowers and others.
Dining: There is a table and chairs.
bathrooms, toilets, mirrors, sinks, shower.
bedroom: a bed in one, and the other two, there is a tv, a table, and carpet in both.

My Daily Routine

My daily routine is this: I wake up at 5:40 am, going to college, I go to my classes .. From thereI go at 11:00 AM .. I got home at 12:30 pm, lunch and I sleep a while, when I woke up at 4:00pm and study, I help my mom clean the house, I see a little TV, eat dinner at 8:00 pm, I listen to music a bath and lie down to sleep at 10:00 pm.

My House

I live in a quiet house, I live with my mom ... My house has 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, kitchen, dining room and a yard


lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

Giving Directions

My Favorite Food!

                                                               ``El Pabellon Criollo´´
 The pavilion or criollo Venezuelan flag is one of the most representative dishes of our cuisine. Full of colors and flavors, possibly evokes the union of the ethnic groups that make up our people, has the unique aroma and warm earth.
The pavilion is a dish that has accompanied us throughout our history, has grown with us, with small variations in different regions of Venezuela, while still maintaining the unique essence and pure national dish par excellence, is representative of the diet mostly urban Creole, it is difficult to pinpoint the origin of the dish, but since the late nineteenth century it was recognized in Caracas. 
It consists of white rice, shredded beef, black beans and fried plantain slices, arranged in a decorative highlighting all full color, aroma and flavor. In this dish creates a balance between all components, both in color and taste, each is an important part of Venezuelan cuisine.

Chinita's fair post.

For nearly three centuries, the people's faith in the Virgin Zulia has Chiquinquirá a light, a guide, a mother. Close and miraculous are the sons of this land to the Chinita, to her turn in times of joy and sadness.Every November 18, the city celebrates the traditional Feast of La Chinita with masses and processions in honor of the Virgin.
All the city is involved into a massive party. "El amanecer gaitero", fair queen election, private and public concerts and lots of events for all the people in Maracaibo.
Love for 297 years old today Chinita of history and tradition, after the November 18, 1709 was given the miracle of renewal in the Tablita.

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011


I love the Sambil mall
I love going shopping with my family and friends and buy things I like and are
necessary for me, I love buying shoes in the Sambil!!!

- Where do you shopping?
+ I like shopping at the Sambil mall
- what do you shopping?
+ I love buying shoes
- Why do you shopping?
+ I´m shopping because i like it this things
- With you do shopping?
+I´m like shopping with my mother and my friends.
- How do you shopping?
+I´m shopping with my credit card or cash


The Sambil Mall is in Goajira Avenue. Northern Industrial Zone, street 13th, close of the Aquaventura Park.


I like shopping at the super market "DeCandido" I will always do my shopping every week, mainly what are the must buy if arina, eggs and vegetables among others!

- Where do you buy vegetables?
+ I buy the vegetables in the "DeCandido"..
- What do you buy in the supermarket "DeCandido"?
+ I will buy some tomatoes, onion and lettuce for the salad..

- Why do you shopping?
+ I´m going to buy tomatoes, lettuce and onion because i like to cook.
- When do you buy tomatoes, lettuce and onion?
+ When i need cook..
- With  who you buy ?
+ I like buy vegetables with my mother.
- How do you buy vegetables?
+  I buy with my cash.

We need tomatoes

Ramon: Valerie, I'm making a shopping list for tomorrow's burger. We have hamburger meat. What else do we need?
Valerie: Let's see.. we need some potatoes. Buy six pounds.
Ramon: Ok, six pounds oh potatoes
Valerie: We also need lettuce, tomatoes and onion for the burger
Ramon: And what about drinks? Do we need any?
Valerie: We need some beer and soft dinks
Ramon: Ok, I'm going to the store. See you in a bit

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Welcome to my blog

Hi, My name is Valerie Diaz but you can call me Vally. I'm from Maracaibo, i live in Monte Claro. I'm 19 years old and I study engineering at URBE.

I like listening music, dancing, go to see a movie and go to shopping. I love share with my family, pizza, enjoy and go to the mall with my friends.

I hate when the people tell me a lies, listening to rock, yogurt, getting up early every day, the insecure in this country. I can't stand the insects.

My dream is to travel around the world, i want to graduate from engineering school. I also want to learn to speak the english, and french, get married, start a family and buy a house.

About the English, i think that is very important because is an universal language. What do i do to practice my english? well, i see a lot of movies and listening music both in english. It's a good exercises for the good progress of my english. The most difficult for me is writing. I want to practice in class and out of class, in the street with a lot of persons

Well, I finished with this report about me, Hope you liked it...